Build your business in minutes

Collaborate. Track. Sell. Grow & Manage with ease.

Make the platform your's

Your business should not need to conform to the various platforms used to create and run your business. It’s the platform that needs to conform to your business. Build collaborative internal and external tools, websites, and apps. Transform the platform to fit your business process. CoCreate, a platform that will grow alongside your ideas no matter how big they are.

Collaborative CMS

A lighting fast headless CMS over websocket, providing CRUD and CRDT functionality. Create, Read, Update, Delete and Filter lists. Collaborate on Text, DOM and Objects. Configure using HTML5 attibutes. Display's the editors cursor in Inputs, Textareas, Rich Text Editors and Code Editors. But of course... Javascript developers still have access to API, callbacks and events.

Fully Customizable Admin Panel

HTML5 Admin dashboard UI powered by CoCreateJS. It is 100% editable and used to manage and create views for your data and content. Use it as a Collaborative CRM, CMS and ERP. Can be modified, replaced or used as an example to build your own custom HTML5 admin dashboard.

Collaborative Drag-n-Drop Builder

A collaborative no code experience. Every view in the platform can be edited in the drag and drop builder, even the builder can be opened and edited with the drag and drop builder. Supports editing of any html website. Can be modified, replaced or used as an example to build your own custom drag and drop builder.

code to no code collaboration

Coders can use the code editor, non coders can use the drag and drop builder. User cursor position and changes sync between both. Next-level productivity to take full advantage of your team’s diversity.

Thirdparty API Intergration

We have put together a few thirdparty APIs and developed them to be used and configured with HTML5 attributes. Build custom flows and logic without ever leaving the html page... The CoCreate Way... Almost forgot, Javascript developers still have access to API, callbacks and events.