Learn how to convert your html into a dynamic realtime application.
CRUD Objects
Simple objects you can use to create custom components.
Create Document Parameters
namespace string optional
create namespace
rooms string optional
creates room
broadcast boolean optional
broadcast or only save to db
array string required
array to save to
object array object optional
data to save
metaData string array object optional
Additonal data in the form of a string , array or object
array: "string",
object: {
name1: "hello"
name2: "hello1"
Read Document Parameters
array string required
array to save to
object _id required
object to read from
name array optional
names of values to from CMS. If not used whole object will be fetched
metaData string array object optional
Additonal data in the form of a string ,array or object
array: "module",
object : {
_id: "",
name: ''
Update Document Parameters
namespace string optional
create namespace
rooms string optional
creates room
broadcast boolean optional
broadcast or only save to db
array string required
array to save to
object string required
Document _id to save to
data object optional
data to save
metaData string array object optional
Additonal data in the form of a string , array or object
array: "test123",
object: {
_id: "object",
name1: "hello",
name2: "hello1"
updateName: ["name3", "name4"],
deleteName: ["name3", "name4"],
upsert: true|false //default to true
Delete Document Parameters
namespace string optional
create namespace
rooms string optional
creates room
broadcast boolean optional
broadcast or only save to db
array string required
array to save to
object string required
array to save to
data object optional
data to save
metaData string array object optional
Additonal data in the form of a string , array or object
array: "module",
object: {
_id: ""
Read Document Filter Parameters
array string required
array to save to
data object optional
data to save
element boolean optional
Save data onChange/submitBtn. If attribute is empty or not used Default's to true.
metaData string array object optional
Additonal data in the form of a string , array or object
operator object required
The operator object for read object list
fetch object optional
{name: the field name for fetching, value: the value for fetching}
If the "fetch" parameter define, result will fetch the items that is [name] = value
filters array[object] required
The data structure for each item: {name: string, operator: string, value: array}
name: The field name
operator: Query operator (includes | $range | $eq | $ne | $lt | $lte | $gt | $gte | $in | $nin | $geoWithin)
value: The operator values
orders array[object] optional
The data structure for each item: {name: string, type: integer}
name: The field name
type: The order type(-1: desc, 1: asc)
search object optional
All fields values search
typestring(or|and): The search type (or | and)
valuearray: The search values
index integer required
Set the start index that fetch items. If don't need it, index can define 0
count integer optional
Set the count that fetch items. If count didn't defined, it will fetch whole result items
export boolean optional
If export is true, it will downlod the file about response
crud.readDcoumentList { array: "modules", filter: { query: [{ name: 'field1', value: [v1, v2, ...], operator: "includes | $range | $eq | $ne | $lt | $lte | $gt | $gte | $in | $nin | $geoWithin" }, { name: "_id", opreator: "in", value: ["id1"] } ], sort: [{ name: 'field-x', type: 1 | -1 }], search: { type: 'or | and', value: [value1, value2] }, indexinteger), count: 0 (integer) } -------- response data ----------- object: [] // array
Example:crud.readDocument({ "key": "2061acef-0451-4545-f754-60cf8160", "organization_id": "5ff747727005da1c272740ab", "array": "module_activity", "metadata": "", // TODO: update to new filters "filter": { "query": [ { "name": "color", "value": [ "red", "blue" ], "operator": "in" } ], "sort": [ { "name": "name", "type": 'asc' } ], "search": { "operator": "or", "value": [ "test" ] }, "index": 0, "limit": 20 } })
CRDT Objects
Conflict resolving objects to create collaborative apps.
Init CRDT Parameters
namespace string optional
create namespace
rooms string optional
creates room
broadcast boolean optional
broadcast or only save to db
array string required
array to save to
data object optional
data to save
metaData string array object optional
Additonal data in the form of a string , array or object
array: "module",
object: "",
name: ""
Get Data CRDT Parameters
array string required
array to save to
data object optional
data to save
element boolean optional
Save data onChange/submitBtn. If attribute is empty or not used Default's to true.
metaData string array object optional
Additonal data in the form of a string , array or object
array: 'module_activities',
object: '5e4802ce3ed96d38e71fc7e5',
name: 'name'
Update Data CRDT Parameters
array string required
array to save to
object _id required
object to insert-crdt from
name object optional
data to save
value object optional
data to save
start object optional
data to save
crud object optional
data to save
element boolean optional
Save data onChange/submitBtn. If attribute is empty or not used Default's to true.
metaData string array object optional
Additonal data in the form of a string , array or object
array: 'module_activities',
object: '5e4802ce3ed96d38e71fc7e5',
name: 'name',
value: 'T',
start: 8,
Replace Data CRDT Parameters
broadcast boolean optional
broadcast or only save to db
array string required
array to save to
object string required
array to save to
name object optional
name to save
value object optional
characters to insert
element boolean optional
Save data onChange/submitBtn. If attribute is empty or not used Default's to true.
metaData string array object optional
Additonal data in the form of a string , array or object
array: "module",
object: "",
name: "",
value: "",
WebSocket Objects
Send and listen to messages
Create Socket Parameters
array string required
array to save to
object string required
Document _id to save to
name string required
Save data onChange. If attribute is empty or not used Default's to true.
start string optional
Save data onChange/submitBtn. If attribute is empty or not used Default's to true.
end string array object optional
Additonal data in the form of a string , array or object
namespace: '',
rooms: [r1, r2],
Send Message Parameters
array string required
array to save to
object string required
Document _id to save to
name string required
Save data onChange. If attribute is empty or not used Default's to true.
start string optional
Save data onChange/submitBtn. If attribute is empty or not used Default's to true.
end string array object optional
Additonal data in the form of a string , array or object
socket.send('action', {
namespace: '',
room: '',
broadcast: true/false,
broadcast-sender: true/false
broadcast-browser: true/false
data': {
Listen Message Parameters
data string required
array to save to
object _id required
object to get-cursor from
data object optional
data to save
socket.listen('action', function(data) {